Monday, April 30, 2007

Regent University - A School for Scandal

Pat Robertson's Jesus filled law school pumps out DOJ employees in the same masses that Harvard and Yale do under real administrations. It's not that the bar's been lowered, it's that the bar's been utterly removed. It's so depressing that nothing I discover about them surprises me anymore.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

SAT? 826!

It's Sunday morning and the birds are chirping outside my window. Another gorgeous day in San Jose. I spent yesterday afternoon at 826 Valencia (the happiest place on earth), teaching the final installment of my free SAT extravanganza. There were some really impressive kids in the class. I always try to gently pump that kind of kid for details...private or public school? what do your parents do? are they still together? I try to stop myself before I weird the kid out, but I'm on a perpetual quest to figure out why some kids are all golden and shiny and brilliant and others are, well, not.