Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tony ain't dead

Okay, so the Sopranos is over. SPOILER ALERT: I'm talking about it all. The episode is called "Made in America," and what's more made in America than Journey? Don't Stop Believin', indeed.
I notice on other sites people keep mentioning 'the guy going into the bathroom'...hello! that's the FBI agent with a toupee, yes? He was so excited that "he'd won'. Not only did his guy win in the NJ vs. NY game, he finally got T to flip. He won, alright. Tony's no longer just a 'made man.' He's 'made in America'.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 2 of the big move to LA

Boxes packed yesterday: 5 boxes of books
Boxes packed today: 0 Boxes

What I learned yesterday/today (I swear I'm doing this from memory):
1. Catherine of Aragon (divorced)
2. Anne Boleyn (beheaded)
3. Jane Seymour (died)
4. Anne of Cleeves (divorced)
5. Catherine Howard (beheaded)
6. Catherine Parr (survived)

What sucked about today:
I can't find my beloved Prada sunglasses.

Monday, May 28, 2007

packing! Day 1

So it's settled. We're moving to Los Angeles in an attempt to fulfill our life long ambition of being Beverly Hillbillies. I start my new job on June 18, possibly earlier. I can hardly believe it. So today I'll start packing. Books first. Once my books are in boxes, I start to detach from a place. My mom is in full gear, rocking our move already. We're going down on the 5th to find domiciles.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

See the Lonely Girl Out on a Weekend


Those lyrics always made me cry. And now here I am doing just that. But it's good. It's time. My mom and my Django and my Mookie will be with me.

I'm excited.
I'm scared.
I need to find a place to live.

Things I learned today...

Today, courtesy of Ms. Althouse...


According to Wikipedia, a snowclone is a 'formula cliche' extrapolated from an existing phrase...for example:

PINK is the new BLACK...

X is the new Y...

60 is the new 40.
RVs are the new TINY DOGS


Who knew?


While following snowclone links, I kept discovering references to a mysterious phrase: ALL YOUR BASE ARE NOW BELONG TO US. It turns out to be a phenomena to which I was not hip. Go figure. So this led me to ENGRISH. My mom and I have enjoyed Engrish for some time, but we didn't realize there were a name it call to be you know!

Coltan: What You Don't Know Hurts Them

Films like Blood Diamond and hip hop artists like Kanye West have brought the brutality associated with the diamond trade to the fore. But there’s a much lesser known mineral being mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the DRC) that might be causing more death and destruction than the other mineral trades combined.
It’s called Columbite Tantalite – coltan for short – and the DRC is rife with the stuff. It’s a shadowy mineral, valuable, like oil, for its potential, not like diamonds and gold, for their beauty. And, also like oil, you have undoubtedly purchased coltan in the recent past, and are likely using it this moment.
Coltan is the material that makes computer chips possible. Without it, our technological life would grind to a halt. Yet because of it, murders, rapes, and endless conflict have become the norm, and a species of ape is facing extinction.
Unlike oil, coltan mining is a low-tech operation. Men and women gather it with their hands and simple tools and sell cans of it to well armed overseers. It’s not hard to understand the lure – the work is physically hard, but so is most every other line of work in the country, and the coltan miner can expect to make $200 dollars a month, compared to the $10 monthly national average. But with that much money flowing into un-policed areas in a jungle where brutality has long been the rule of law, violence and chaos are inevitable. It’s been estimated that roughly 4 million people have died in the region as a result of the coltan trade.
When a mining camp is established in the jungle, every sort of conceivable exploitation is soon to follow. An unofficial company store is established, where miners trade soup cans of coltan for over-priced beer, food, and ‘camp-wives’ – prostitutes who cook and clean for the men as well as provide sex. And, when syphilis breaks out, a few more soup cans will buy the necessary medicine to save the miner’s life. The miners’ money goes quick in the jungle.
Further complicating the matter, roving militias roam the area, looking for vulnerable miners who are taking their day’s production to the market. People are routinely robbed, killed, raped, kidnapped and even eaten in the course of the war over resources that rages in the region.
The mining camps also mean devastation for the region’s population of Mountain Gorillas. Not only is the animal’s natural habitat destroyed, but they’re also being hunted as a source of ‘bush meat.’ While in the west we see gorillas as majestic creatures, many in the DRC simply see them as free food and another source of income.
While it is estimated that 80% of the world’s coltan reserve is in the DRC, many of the world’s high-tech companies are making an effort to purchase the mineral exclusively from Australia, where its mining is well regulated. But it’s nearly impossible to ascertain the origin of processed coltan, so the consumer can’t be sure that the high-tech gadget she’s purchasing is conflict free. Perhaps in the future, consumer electronics will be labeled ‘Gorilla Safe.’ Maybe as consumer awareness grows, so will pressure on the industry to be certain of the origin of the coltan in its products. But for the DRC, it’s yet another curse disguised as a blessing. It seems as if each generation discovers another abundant natural resource in Africa. Yet somehow it always costs millions of African lives.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sopranos: Kennedy & Heidi

Is it me, or is this the best Sopanos season ever? I've been reading blogs about this last episode, and lots of viewers seem to think that Tony died in the car crash, or perhaps that it was all a dream. I'm not sure I understand why. The only time Chase has ever played us that way was during the whole coma sequence, but even then it was clear that some things we were seeing were not "really happening."

I don't think he's dead, nor do I think it's a dream. But perhaps that's just being hopeful. I hated the coma episodes with Tony, I found them trying and uninteresting.

I have some random thoughts that I'd love to discuss:

1.) At the viewing, Chris's nose was horribly bruised. Either Carmela or Chris's wife noticed it. Something's going to come of this (and isn't it ironic, Tony's comment about Chris's baby daughter inheriting his schnoz?)

2.) As Tony was entering the casino, on peyote, with the beautiful stranger, and we're seeing all the lights, the little winking demon, etc., I'm thinking, it's Dante and Beatrice entering Hell.

3.) It seems to me as if the last few episodes have been largely about T choosing between Paulie and Chris (remember, T almost killed Paulie on the boat).

4. Question: Why the hell did Hesh's girlfriend Renata die? What happened?

5. As the show has entered its last stretch, it seems like the world of the Sopranos has been infiltrated by "foreigners." Non Anglo/ European types. There's the whole middle east terrorist angle. There's the Asian kid who nearly killed Jr. There's the Somalian kid AJ and friends beat up. And of course, Blanca. AJ adopted the Latino thing fully. He's got that facial hair thing that young PR guys do, and that pathetic scene where he's decked his car out in PR flags for the Latino Day Celebration. And then, the beautiful Middle Eastern woman who is T's guide on his peyote trip. What does it all add up to?

6.) Kennedy and Heidi. The Kennedy connection seems clear, but the Heidi still puzzles me. I'm wondering if it might be a prelude to next episode, entitle "The Second Coming." According to the description, Tony believes that someone has insulted Meadow...Heidi?

I hope to hear any thoughts you may have on the above points...

Althouse: Last Sunday's "Sopranos" episode: "Kennedy and Heidi."

Althouse: Last Sunday's "Sopranos" episode: "Kennedy and Heidi."

Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

my library at librarything

I just added a widget to the site that shows random books from my library. How does it know what books I have? I've told it. I've catalogued the majority of my books at
Sometimes I've forgotten I own a book and there it is, on my blog.

Public Radio Talent Quest Continues

The quest continues...there are a lot of really good entries.
Enough that the judges could easily choose 50 or 100. The odds aren't particularly good for me, but when do I ever try anything with good odds? So, here's my entry.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Don't you just love Ira Glass?

It seems a whole lot of people have the same dream as I do. So far there are almost 600 entries in Public Radio Exchange's Talent Quest. It's like American Idol for Public Radio-heads, and I'm right in there with them. I've never spent so much time and effort on two minutes of audio!
The judges are choosing 9 entrants to go on to the next round, and then they're letting the the voting public choose the 10th. At that point there's a mysterious 'second round,' which I imagine will be something like the creepy scene in Eyes Wide Shut where everybody is naked and wears a scary mask. Then we'll separate the wannabes from the real hosts, won't we?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Regent University - A School for Scandal

Pat Robertson's Jesus filled law school pumps out DOJ employees in the same masses that Harvard and Yale do under real administrations. It's not that the bar's been lowered, it's that the bar's been utterly removed. It's so depressing that nothing I discover about them surprises me anymore.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

SAT? 826!

It's Sunday morning and the birds are chirping outside my window. Another gorgeous day in San Jose. I spent yesterday afternoon at 826 Valencia (the happiest place on earth), teaching the final installment of my free SAT extravanganza. There were some really impressive kids in the class. I always try to gently pump that kind of kid for details...private or public school? what do your parents do? are they still together? I try to stop myself before I weird the kid out, but I'm on a perpetual quest to figure out why some kids are all golden and shiny and brilliant and others are, well, not.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hey hey Technorati...

Technorati Profile

Welcome to the WelBlog at Story52

Greetings Blogosphere! Story52 is a website and podcast that I host: I have a blog there, but there seems to be a great deal more visibility - especially in terms of search engines - here at Blogger, so I'm going to see how I can make this spot work in tandem with my primary site.