Friday, May 11, 2007

my library at librarything

I just added a widget to the site that shows random books from my library. How does it know what books I have? I've told it. I've catalogued the majority of my books at
Sometimes I've forgotten I own a book and there it is, on my blog.

Public Radio Talent Quest Continues

The quest continues...there are a lot of really good entries.
Enough that the judges could easily choose 50 or 100. The odds aren't particularly good for me, but when do I ever try anything with good odds? So, here's my entry.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Don't you just love Ira Glass?

It seems a whole lot of people have the same dream as I do. So far there are almost 600 entries in Public Radio Exchange's Talent Quest. It's like American Idol for Public Radio-heads, and I'm right in there with them. I've never spent so much time and effort on two minutes of audio!
The judges are choosing 9 entrants to go on to the next round, and then they're letting the the voting public choose the 10th. At that point there's a mysterious 'second round,' which I imagine will be something like the creepy scene in Eyes Wide Shut where everybody is naked and wears a scary mask. Then we'll separate the wannabes from the real hosts, won't we?