Sopranos: Kennedy & Heidi
Is it me, or is this the best Sopanos season ever? I've been reading blogs about this last episode, and lots of viewers seem to think that Tony died in the car crash, or perhaps that it was all a dream. I'm not sure I understand why. The only time Chase has ever played us that way was during the whole coma sequence, but even then it was clear that some things we were seeing were not "really happening."
I don't think he's dead, nor do I think it's a dream. But perhaps that's just being hopeful. I hated the coma episodes with Tony, I found them trying and uninteresting.
I have some random thoughts that I'd love to discuss:
1.) At the viewing, Chris's nose was horribly bruised. Either Carmela or Chris's wife noticed it. Something's going to come of this (and isn't it ironic, Tony's comment about Chris's baby daughter inheriting his schnoz?)
2.) As Tony was entering the casino, on peyote, with the beautiful stranger, and we're seeing all the lights, the little winking demon, etc., I'm thinking, it's Dante and Beatrice entering Hell.
3.) It seems to me as if the last few episodes have been largely about T choosing between Paulie and Chris (remember, T almost killed Paulie on the boat).
4. Question: Why the hell did Hesh's girlfriend Renata die? What happened?
5. As the show has entered its last stretch, it seems like the world of the Sopranos has been infiltrated by "foreigners." Non Anglo/ European types. There's the whole middle east terrorist angle. There's the Asian kid who nearly killed Jr. There's the Somalian kid AJ and friends beat up. And of course, Blanca. AJ adopted the Latino thing fully. He's got that facial hair thing that young PR guys do, and that pathetic scene where he's decked his car out in PR flags for the Latino Day Celebration. And then, the beautiful Middle Eastern woman who is T's guide on his peyote trip. What does it all add up to?
6.) Kennedy and Heidi. The Kennedy connection seems clear, but the Heidi still puzzles me. I'm wondering if it might be a prelude to next episode, entitle "The Second Coming." According to the description, Tony believes that someone has insulted Meadow...Heidi?
I hope to hear any thoughts you may have on the above points...
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